RVN Transports » Features & Advantages
- High Compressive Strength: Compressed with 6000 PSI pressure and strength of more than 10 N/mm2, practically no breakage during transport & use.
- Less water absorbsion: Water absorption is 6-12% as against 20-25% for handmade clay bricks, reducing dampness of the walls.
- Durability and moisture resistance: The bricks can be directly painted in dry distemper and cement paints, without the backing coating of plaster.
- High Dimensional Accuracy: our bricks is extremely easy to install and required 50% less mortar.
- High Workability : Excellent size/weight ratio, it is used extensively in rapid construction works. It can be cut, sawn, drilled, nailed and milled like wood.
- Large variety of sizes: From standard brick size (220 x 110 x70 ) to large sizes (On request).
- Appearance: Pleasing colour like cement. On request the colour of our bricks can be altered with the addition of admixtures.
- Availability and cost: We are maintaining adequate stock in our factory for uninterrupted supply and cost is mere less than low quality clay bricks.
- Applicability: Load bearing external walls, in low and medium size structures. Non-load bearing internal walls in low and medium size and high-rise buildings.
- Great Acoustic Insulation
- High Fire Resistance
- Termite Resistance
- Excellent Thermal Insulation